Jack Schwarz
Student Developer


Hello! I am Jack Schwarz, a Computer Science major entering my senior year at The University of Oklahoma. I am a hard-working and driven student with a passion for Software Development. I have been interested in technology my entire life and find Computer Programming to be a great way to turn my passion into something that is useful to the world at large.

During my time in college I have been a part of mutiple team-based programming projects, during most of which I was the project manager. In addition to class projects, I have also worked on a few of my own programs over time. Most of these tap into my other intrests and combine them with software in a way I find useful.

Although I enjoy and find myself interested in all facets of Software Development, I find my main interests lie in developing backend web-based software. Through my various projects however, I have more often than not worked as a full-stack developer with experience in various frameworks and languages.


Computer Science

Minor: Mathematics

May 2017 - May 2021 (Expected Graduation Date)
GPA: 3.49 / 4.0

Selected Coursework:

Software Engineering Intro to Operating Systems Linear Algebra Theory of Computation Data Structures Human Computer Interaction



Intermediate: Java JavaScript HTML/CSS C/C++
Beginner: Python NodeJS ExpressJS Git jQuery SCSS


XCode Eclipse Adobe XD MacOS Windows MS Office


Basic Web-Based ERP Software

Project Manager | Lead Developer
  • Simple Inventory Management software with a focus on user simplicity
  • Designed for a small business to have quick access to their stores inventory and view important data efficiently
  • Created as part of Senior Software Capstone course and was made for and with input from an external client
  • Implemented using: JavaScript, NodeJS, jQuery, HTML, CSS

Student Focused Scheduling App

Project Manager | Backend Developer
  • Scheduling and calendar application designed with students in mind
  • Focuses only on events going forward and designed to be filled with minute-by-minute information
  • Created as a standalone app for multiple platforms
  • Implemented using: Java, CalendarFX, CSS

Work Experience:

Student Receptionist

August 2018 - March 2020
University of Oklahoma - Admissions and Recruitment
  • Worked in a professional, team-based environment answering student/parent inquiries through various communication methods
  • Required to problem-solve rapidly in order to keep customer service operation running efficiently
  • Assisted other staff members with miscellaneous tasks throughout the office
  • Strengthened teamworking, communication, and situautional management skills


  • Univeristy of Oklahoma President's Honor Roll (2018)
  • Univeristy of Oklahoma Dean's Honor Roll (2017, 2019, 2020)
  • Committee Leader on University of Oklahoma College Bowl Team
  • Member of Collegiate Software Studio Club
  • Participated in 2020 "Hacklahoma" Hackathon